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Data services feedback portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about CONNECT products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the CONNECT product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for CONNECT data services. For links to our other feedback portals, please see RESOURCES below.


All ideas

Showing 623

If data contains asset information, this data shall be written to asset related streams

Challenge: We have (CSV) data files which come from Laboratory or other measuring equipment where the data lines contain information on which asset the measurement was taken from. In our particular use case, we read sample data from lab analyzer w...
Hans-Otto Weinhold over 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Adapters / AVEVA Adapter for Structured Data Files 0 No status

More flexible assets and properties management - drag&drop

Add s elect & deselect buttons capability.An UNDO button would make sense (don’t delete)
Rene Thomassen over 1 year ago in Assets & Metadata Rules / Assets 1 No status

Adapter for RDBMS to support multiple rows with same "Timestamp" colum as IndexColumn

As of version 1.x, with the IndexColumn being specified in the dataselection, the Adapter will require that each row in the source Database to have its own unique timestamp. If there are multiple rows with the same timestamp, first value with the ...
Guest over 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Adapters / AVEVA Adapter for RDBMS 1 Tell us more

PI Adapter for Structured Files - User friendly interface

Make the configuration experience more user friendly. Add a user interface for adapter configuration and management.Today, this adapter is too configuration intensive
Rene Thomassen over 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Adapters / AVEVA Adapter for Structured Data Files 0 No status

PI Adapters should not overwrite parameters configured in the stream in ADH

When we change any override parameters for a stream in ADH an adapter restart will overwrite what we configure in the stream. One example is changing the interpolation method for a stream in ADH because we want to see the trend as step. Every time...
Fabio Dani over 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Adapters / General 0 No status

Expose Owner and Owner permissions of a Stream in UI

My understanding is that the owner\creator of a stream has implicit writes permission. Suggest the stream owner\creator be shown in stream details (and perhaps the implicit permissions in the permissions window)
Brian Deslatte over 1 year ago in Data Management & Storage / Sequential Data Store (SDS) 0 No status

Allow setting default security for all streams resulting from a given transfer

ADH may have multiple PItoDH transfers coming from different Data Archives. The DAs data may have different security requirements. To facilitate managing this in DH, there should be a way to set default security for streams (and assets) created fr...
Brian Deslatte over 1 year ago in PI to CONNECT / General 0 No status

Don't change product version information response structure

The design of the /productinformation response has changed between EDS 2020 and EDS 2023 Patch 1. Our application missed the new position of the version string so I had to change code to catch it. I know the product has shipped so there is nothing...
Guest almost 2 years ago in AVEVA™ Edge Data Store / General 1 Declined

Automate dataset selection for each PItoADH Agent

We would end up with more than 60+ PItoADH Agent to configure. We have a strong AF hierarchy across our sites and could perfectly prepare a unique AF rootpath to select the relevant dataset to push from PI/AF to ADH for each 60+ connections. Ideal...
Christian Leroux about 2 years ago in PI to CONNECT / General 1 Future consideration

Automate silent installation sequence

We have 60+ sites, each with PI/AF Servers. We intent to deploy a PItoADH Agents locally at each sites to federate our PI data in ADH. We need a supported mechanism to automate the installation sequence at each 60+ sites and connect/register to ou...
Christian Leroux about 2 years ago in PI to CONNECT / General 0 Already exists