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Data services feedback portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about CONNECT products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the CONNECT product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for CONNECT data services. For links to our other feedback portals, please see RESOURCES below.


All ideas

Showing 623

Conditional Data Egress for Edge Data Store

Scenario: In a remote monitoring scenario, Edge Data Store is collecting data through OPC UA or ModbusTCP with a certain sampling rate (assumingly 1s). For normal operations, EDS shall egress only an aggregated one minute value of all analogue str...
Guest about 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Edge Data Store / Egress 0 No status

Expose AVEVA Advanced Analytics outputs to Data Hub - e.g. recommendations

the key output from AAA is often not just the anomaly score. More interesting will be things like ideal running conditions, ideal model conditions.
Rene Thomassen about 1 year ago in AVEVA™ Advanced Analytics 0 Needs review

Asset status data type support

Support additional data types for asset status, for example equipment status via MQTT that is boolean stream type.
Glenn Moffett about 1 year ago in Visualization / Asset Explorer 0 No status

Backfill/republish data from select streams used in the PI to ADH transfer

I would like the ability to resync data between my PI Data Archive and AVEVA Data Hub for select streams to easily recover any discrepancies.
Guest about 1 year ago in PI to CONNECT / General 0 No status

Better control and monitoring of usage

As a CONNECT data services administrator, I want to track daily streams accessed by both individual users and applications, so that I can better understand the usage incurred by each CONNECT consumer. Additionally, I need the ability to allocate u...
Max Mckay 5 months ago in General / Account Management 0 No status

Show all assets a stream is referenced on

When a stream is selected in the SDS explorer, include a tab in the stream information that lists all assets where that stream is referenced by a stream property. Include both the asset name (with link) and the stream property name. Streams may be...
Cynthia Bourne 5 months ago in Data Management & Storage / SDS Explorer 0 No status

Improve throughput

I am not sure if this is a limitation connected to the OMF, WebAPI, or https itself, but in the manual it is given that the maximum message size is 192KB. I am aware that compression is recommended and applied by default by the adapters. For the r...
Guest over 1 year ago in Developer Resources / Open Message Format (OMF) 0 No status

Provide ability to custom order CONNECT folder list on Home page

The CONNECT folder list on the Home page is horizontally scrollable and each tile takes up a fair amount of space, so only 4-5 tiles can be seen at once. The tiles are ordered alphabetically and a large folder set requires clicking buttons several...
Cynthia Bourne 5 months ago in General / Account Management 0 No status

Provide additional features to support debugging

When first setting up the agent, there can be scenarios where there a number of errors to work through - for example tag not found. Summarization of errors and an alternative to event viewer would aid debugging.
Glenn Moffett about 1 year ago in PI to CONNECT / General 0 No status

Reduce number of "Failure to Resolve 1 PI Point referenced by AF" errors logged in the event viewer

If there are multiple PI Points that cannot be resolved, these messages can quickly fill up the logs. Since event viewer only keeps so many messages by default, this can quickly overwrite other messages and result in a loss of information for trou...
Jessica Rammo 10 months ago in PI to CONNECT / General 0 No status